
Squares, through Circles

I'm getting out of California for a month in July, and I'm calling it a sabbatical. I'll be working somewhere else, where the colors and compositions are different, where the people are different. I need that.

I have no idea what this Summer and Fall will bring. There are changes afoot and everything may turn upside down at any moment.

So, I am throwing myself in to my work. Because I love it, more than I have ever loved doing anything. When I am not doing it, I think about doing it. I want to be the best. I want to know how everything works and how I can use it for myself. I will basically stop at nothing to achieve this.

So, only a few short weeks before I embark on a different journey, I added a new tool to my family whose last name isn't Canon. And, well - that's not the only difference.

Yashica Mat 124-G

It has it's first roll of Portra 400 in it right now, and while I'm sure this first roll will be a complete failure, all I can think about is holding it, carefully metering the light, and watching the looking lens reflect the frame on to the focusing plane. Winding the film to the next exposure. Waiting for it to get developed. Hoping for success.

Kind of like life right now...

The camera is a Yashica Mat 124 G Twin Lens Reflex medium format camera. It is still a staple in medium format (6x6 square image) world. Also, she needs a name. A good name...

Curious Robin

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