



My sister-in-law Sarah tagged me on this blog fun a long...embarrassingly long time ago.
I'm thinking, what the heck? There can't be a time limit, can there?

The rules:

1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules.
3) Share six non-important things / habits / quirks about yourself.
4) Tag at least three people.
5) Make sure the people you tagged KNOW you tagged them by commenting what you did.

1) I can't stand breath. My own included. No exceptions. I must have a clear line of oxygen in front of me - my husband and I have spent years perfecting our sleeping arrangements!

2) One day I would like to write a mystery novel, possibly based in Egypt - the place I'd like to visit most.

3) I had the honor of driving my Mom to the hospital to give birth to my youngest brother, Joel. I think it's really special that my mom and I got to share that; however, he was almost born in the car - her water broke on the way, and I barely got her inside before he made his entry into the world.

4) I have no memories of my Mom and Dad in the same room together while they were married with one exception; I can remember, in very clear detail, the day my Dad moved out of the house, when I was nearly 3.

5) I hope to ultimately own my own successful business.

6) Tim Armstrong from Rancid actually watched my band play at the Warped Tour, and complimented us.

I'm tagging Taylor.



I just noticed today that I'm literally the only blogger I personally know (or 2nd level know) who does not blog about their children.

That's because, of course, I don't have any.

I really enjoy reading about the lives of real women who have endless stories about their little ones.

I've tried to get in to a few non-mommy blogs but they all end up being about the same, boring stuff. In fact, those blogs end up making me feel bad about my own - we tend to write about selfish and pointless information.



The Needles and Me

My new body art, an homage to my favorite artist. The longest I've sat (3 hrs) and the most painful thus far. Totally worth it, though.



Exahustion = No Blogging, but Good Pics

So I've been absent from the blog world for a bit. Can't blame me though - it's been visit after visit around here and lots of working in between. Not to say that it hasn't been fun - it has, but I'm exhausted.

My Dad and stepmom just left on Saturday after a week-long visit in which we drove around California seeing some nature and other things in the wild. It's always nice to do some car-tripping. Also nice to see family and know that we're not going to have to drive to someone else's house the next day.

I sometimes forget about how cool stuff is around here until someone visits and asks to see it all. We visited Point Reyes, which is a great little lighthouse/coastal place a bit north of Stinson Beach. It was literally amazing. Similar to the Lost Coast when we were there, there's something about how incredibly desolate certain areas are compared to the constant people, roads and industry of the city and surroundings. It feels so far removed from all of that, yet it's so close.

We also did the 4th of July at the Berkeley Marina which was pretty neat. It's your basic Americana celebration dotted with puppies, flea markets, and babies wearing red, white and blue. My stepmom and I got some very pretty sterling silver jewelery from a vendor who made charms. I had some kettle corn made fresh, my Dad had a corn dog, and my Stepmom had an ear of sweetcorn. We made out pretty well. We left the Berkeley celebration before the fireworks simply to avoid traffic, but headed back to the apartment where we co-opted the vacant upstairs apartment's balcony deck to watch the fireworks from Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, and Marin County. It was a nice way to finish off a long week.

I took a lot of photos and got a few good ones for my portfolio.

Curious Robin

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