
Stupid Airlines.

I'm bummed. Turns out our summer vacation plans aren't happening; my dad and step-mom aren't going to be able to make the trip out this year. It really stinks, considering I was super pumped for a vacation to Vegas and the Grand Canyon. The economy can really just bite it right now, seriously.

To top that off, plane tickets back to Wisconsin/Minnesota for the 4th of July (when my parents were going to be here; when Dave's family has a giant picnic and my family comes) are nearing the $600 mark. So that won't happen either.

I wanted to see my sister graduate 8th grade next week, but now that we might plan a trip home later in the summer (we weren't going to go at all) I can't possibly make sense of flying out twice. But, David can't take time off (his parents are coming the next week) so we can't just do our trip then.

I'm annoyed.

I have to admit I'm getting really sick



An amazing quote from a loving fan over at OfficeTally:

To the writers: if you have Pam meet some new guy at design school to provide more angst, I will stop watching this show, burn all of my DVDs, and pretend that it never happened.

'Nuff Said.



Love and Marriage Prevail

A year or so ago, I spoke with my Mom on the phone after she had voted No on the Wisconsin measure to ban gay marriage through the state's constitution. She voted no, but the state voted yes - the measure passed, and I was disgusted and embarrassed to be a native.

Today, I drove through Downtown San Francisco listening to a special broadcast of "Out In The Bay" on KALW as the sun set, on my way to pick up my husband, feeling like I lived in the greatest place on earth. Our Supreme Court today bravely overturned the constitutional ban on gay marriage - putting this great state once again at the forefront of progress for all people. This is the same state whose supreme court struck down the constitutional ban on interracial marriage in 1948 (while the US court did not vote on thus until 1967).

From the WSJ:

“The right to marry,” Chief Justice George wrote, “represents the right of an individual to establish a legally recognized family with a person of one’s choice and, as such, is of fundamental significance both to society and to the individual.”

Chief Justice George conceded that “as an historical matter in this state marriage has always been restricted to a union between a man and a woman.” But “tradition alone,” he continued, does not justify the denial of a fundamental constitutional right. Bans on interracial marriage were, he wrote, sanctioned by the state for many years.

I'd like to meet this man. He's got it exactly right.

In a society where we see 50% of heterosexual marriages ending in divorce, why do so many people wish to deny the right of marriage, of family, to people who so desperately want it? I do not understand why love would be denied, especially with our country's degrading view and importance of family.

And free means free. Without progression, there is no freedom. I respect the religious population who say that same-sex marriage is forbidden by the book they live by, but considering that this is a country employed on a separation of church and state, those opinions have no weight on this legal point. I'm sorry, National Organization for Marriage, but YOU are wrong from top to bottom on this one. It's not an issue of religion. This is a matter, like Chief Justice George said, of the right and freedom of every American to legally construct and establish a family, their family. Why would anyone want to take that right, that love, that happiness away?

The aforementioned National Organization for Marriage is a questionable and misleading group who have fought to get a November vote on a Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in California. Let's hope that when this matter is presented to the population of California, they will stand up for the rights our Justices have given today. LGBT people are the minority - those of us who are heterosexual and concerned about freedom and liberty must stand up for their rights now.



My Feet Don't Stick to the Floor!

Last month, I had to throw away the Vacuum we purchased with Target gift certificates given to us when we got married in 2006. This said vacuum was a $50 Dirt Devil that retrospectively, was probably a not-so-smart purchase. I never owned a vacuum before. I admittedly bought the one I thought was prettiest.

This stupid vacuum worked fine for about a year, and since has been clogging and losing suction at an alarming rate. I don't have the patience for that type of thing. Besides the fact that in order to use the telescope, I had to un-attach the tube and attach it in a different place (spewing dirt everywhere). David unclogged it many times. It ultimately would suck nothing. I told him to throw it in the garbage.

I didn't rush to Target to get another vacuum, because at this point I'm scarred by my ignorant purchase. This is never a good thing. It means I turn in to an obsessive compulsive researcher. Before I knew it, a month had gone by with me on my hands and knees trying to suck up a living room's worth of fuzz with my DustBuster. Now, we do not live in a big apartment. It is very, very small. The bedrooms, living room and hallway are carpet, though, and it's a short beige. It gets dirty, and fast. To add, we've got rats who throw bedding all over the place with their little feet and create little piles of fluff around the cage that tracks all over the house. I am slightly anal about this.

Finally on Saturday, I went to Target and bought the one I've been eying over the past week. On sale for $89.00 (from $99) and with all the fancy stuff (at my $100 price range) HEPA filter, bagless, 5 floor settings, and a telescope usable WITHOUT REMOVING ANY TUBES.

I just used it for the first time tonight. It has so much momentum that it pulled me across the room. The little plastic container is so full of yuck it looks as if I've never vacuumed since moving in to the apartment. The carpet is actually clean!


Vacations and Thoughts on May

One week left of classes.
I want to go on vacation, to Cairo, Egypt. Why? Don't know. It sticks out in my head ever since seeing the movie "The Mummy" - the 1932 version - I'd like to wander around the desert in a sundress for days without the phone, the Internet, or television.

I spent an hour or so on Google Earth looking up remote islands. I'd like to go to one and sit in a lawn chair on the beach for days, eating fruit.

I haven't been on a real vacation since I started my new job in December 2006. I've done some traveling, but continued working through trips.

I'm thinking of going back to WI for my sister's 8th grade promotion ceremony, in which she'll be singing a solo in the choir. My little heart is beaming.

Office season finale this Thursday...major things are going to happen...



I'm Published

I really enjoy my job, and one of the most fulfilling things about it is that a few of my clients have done press for the company. Even though I can't talk about who I work for or what I do, in my own little mind (and with co-worker friends, I suppose) I can see those appearances and feel proud of what I've accomplished.

Today when I arrived at work, I was greeted by my boss with a book I was expecting. It is that of a very notable client of mine, and it is her first. She told me she'd be sending it, and that she'd autograph it for me, but I didn't expect what I found - she included and thanked me in the acknowledgments. My first name only, of course, but, my name, nonetheless.

It feels really good. When so much of what I do is hard to quantify, being a part of this very tangible success of hers is great. So there, I'm published in a book!

Curious Robin

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