About Me
I was born in the year 1984 in the year of the Wood Rat, under the sign of the Aries. These things are very important when considering my personality.
If astrological charts aren't enough for you to go on, I'm Nissa. I was born in Wisconsin and currently live in the Bay Area of California. I am married to the most wonderful man on the planet, who cherishes me and motivates me to be the best person I can. We're currently the parents of two rats, Pepper and Margot.
I am a wedding/portrait/artist photographer who has recently discovered what makes me truly happy.
I play the piano and sing in a new band called Oddball Parker, I used to sing in a band called Centric.
I create jewelery based on the ideas in my head; things I could never find in stores.
I love to travel more than anything. I love seeing and experiencing new places and sleeping in hotels.
I am obsessed with 1945-1964. I am not a contemporary. I love vintage everything. I collect 1950s-60s train cases, radios, and clothing. Everything I do is inspired by the simplicity of Modern style.
I love the internet but I do not love memes and catch phrases like viral video. I do, however, love Twitter and the people I've met there.
I write this blog because I am a highly thoughtful person who believes writing is one of the only ways to truly understand feelings and experiences. I don't shelter my feelings or life; it's real and unedited and free to interpret as you wish. Be forewarned and proceed at your own risk.